Thursday, July 25, 2013

Remembering TRNP

It hasn't been a great hiking summer so far, for reasons both good and bad. That will change soon, as Maine '13 is rapidly approaching (more on that very soon.) But I saw a couple of things recently that made me think of the Dakotas trip of two years ago.

The first was a feature article on Theodore Roosevelt National Park on CNN. It's a nice summary with some great pictures, and it mentions the Caprock Coulee Trail as a "don't miss" hike. That's the trail we did on our first day in the park, and I agree that it's a "don't miss" hike.

The second link is a YouTube video from National Geographic titled "Red-Tailed Hawk vs. Rattler". This is interesting in itself, but all the more so because on our hike on day 2 of our TRNP stay, we saw a red-tailed hawk fly overhead with a sizable dead snake in its beak.

This brought back some good memories, and I read back over my trip reports, which made more memories come flooding back. In some ways, it seems like that was *way* longer than two years ago. Good times.
Hiking in TRNP

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