Thursday, October 9, 2014

GC: Five Years

I've noted before (probably many times) that dates tend to stick in my head. It's not a conscious effort - they just do. So I realized that this past week that it's been five years since our Grand Canyon backpack - three days and two nights, South Rim to the Colorado River and back on the Hermit Trail. As with many things, that five years seems simultaneously like a very short and a very long time.

Pack break, Hermit Trail
I re-read my trip reports, and was *so* happy (yet again) that I write these up. Re-reading them takes me back there in a way that just looking at pics or sitting back and reminiscing can't do. All the trip reports, on one page in reverse chronological order, is here. Individual posts are here:
I can say without exaggeration that it was the coolest thing I've ever done. I can't even say what #2 is - just that it's a *long* way back.

I'm also thinking that I have a new goal: a return to Grand Canyon in 2015. It could potentially be done quickly and cheaply - cheap flight to Vegas, rental car or shuttle to Grand Canyon Village, camp there and hike for a a few days, then back home.

Is it possible? I say yes. But we'll see...stay tuned.

Three happy guys, ready for pizza and beer!

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